The turnkey Python bootcamp!

Launch our white-label bootcamp, directly in your schools or training organizations.

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Python bootcamp with Rbean

The Python bootcamp






Need an assistant?

Not mandatory, but helpful


Problem-based learning


€50 per student

Target audience

Complete beginners

Give your students their first steps into computer science with our Python bootcamp! Python is a language used in a wide range of fields (from web development to data, AI, and more) and is perfectly suited for beginners.

Our approach allows students to master coding logic in a short time, through intensive practice, following a well-designed learning path. Your students can then continue progressing independently.

Just like hundreds of students before them, your students will discover programming in the best way!

Python Bootcamp Details

🖥️ The basics of computing

This bootcamp assumes participants have no prior knowledge in software development. The goal is to bring complete beginners to the level where they can code their own programs independently.

To achieve this, they will learn the basics of computing logic, code structure, various data structures - and even objects, depending on the time allotted.

By the end of the bootcamp, students will be capable of coding in Python and creating their own scripts.

🕙 Bootcamp duration

On average, the bootcamp lasts 10 days. This format is adaptable to your needs (see the "Customization options for the Python bootcamp" section below).

⌨️ Series of practical exercises

To achieve this level quickly, learners will practice a lot. They will complete exercise series, designed to gradually cover the entirety of the Python language.

❗️ Knowledge assessment

Knowledge tests can be scheduled. During these exams, the student works alone on the exercise, without external help. They perform exercises similar to what they have already done to ensure they have understood, and to help them catch up if needed.

👥 Group projects

At key moments, students will complete team projects. This allows them to develop soft skills through peer learning and share knowledge within the cohort.

The pedagogical approach of the Python bootcamp

📘 Theory

Every new concept is introduced through an explanatory lesson. This interactive video lesson helps students grasp the concept and provides a reference if they get stuck.

🎖️ But also a lot of practice

Once the theory is presented, the essential part for consolidation begins: practice. Students complete a series of exercises that allow them to progressively apply the new concept.

These exercises are designed to start with simple units, then become more complex by combining different concepts. Students progress as far as they can in each exercise series, according to their individual learning pace.

👥 Peer learning

Students are encouraged to help each other if they get stuck. Additionally, since some projects are team-based, they learn to collaborate on deliverables.

🤖 Automatically corrected exercises

Exercises are automatically corrected by our grading tool, the Sentinel. The Sentinel generates an error report in a few seconds, showing students which exercises are incomplete.

📊 Exercises for all levels

Exercise series are designed so that each exercise has a different difficulty level, often ranging from easiest to hardest.

When a student excels and completes an exercise series, bonus, more complex exercises are added. This allows the most advanced students to be challenged without sending the message to other students (who don't unlock the bonus exercises) that they are behind (because they aren’t).

Ready-to-use and optimized on our LMS platform

The teaching materials for this Python bootcamp are turnkey. They are directly accessible on our Rbean LMS, without any intervention on your part.

Our LMS is designed to perfectly handle computer science bootcamps, thanks to its many programming-oriented features.

Here is an overview of these features that guarantee an optimal user experience.

Who is this Python bootcamp for?

Python bootcamp with Rbean

For IT training organizations...

If you offer IT training in your school or organization, our Python bootcamp will give your students a solid foundation quickly.

In just 2 weeks, they will cover all the basic concepts of programming.

And if needed, additional training sequences are available to complement the Python bootcamp. These blocks can be combined to create one to two year programs, leading to complete certification paths like the French CDA (Application Developer Designer) professional title.

...and for organizations in other fields

Computing is now omnipresent. For many students, having coding skills is a very useful asset.

Knowing how to code, even modestly, will allow your students to:

  • scrape websites to gather data
  • use APIs
  • analyze data, such as commercial or research results
  • → integrate better into a development team by understanding their language
  • → create interactive content or data visualizations
  • develop prototypes

This Python bootcamp will also differentiate your training programs!

Python bootcamp to start data visualization with Rbean
2 computers facing each other working on the Rbean bootcamp

Customization options for the Python bootcamp

Depending on the target audience, we can adapt the Python bootcamp.

First, the duration of the bootcamp can be modified. The format can be stretched depending on how many hours students can dedicate per day. For instance, the two-week bootcamp can be spread over three months with one day per week.

We can also focus on certain features according to the learners’ needs. For example, if students need to learn how to fetch data from APIs, we can orient the exercises towards these topics. Conversely, if the goal is to scrape content, we will dedicate a day to HTML, which is essential for understanding how to scrape. The bootcamp content will depend on your needs.

Finally, we can adjust the difficulty of the Python bootcamp based on the audience. We can add more detailed lessons, targeted corrections for struggling students, and more.


The cost to launch this Python bootcamp at your organization is €50 per student.

This fee includes:

After the bootcamp?

Once the Python bootcamp is complete, students will have the foundation to continue learning code if they wish. They can easily specialize in various fields that use Python (web, mobile, AI, data, etc.) or learn another programming language.

Rbean offers other training programs, ranging from additional multi-week bootcamps to complete courses lasting several months to 2 years.

These programs lead to certifications such as the French CDA (Application Developer Designer) professional title.

Group of people working in Python


Is there support or guidance available during the Python bootcamp?

We will tailor the Bootcamp according to your needs and those of your learners.

Moreover, our technical and teaching teams will assist you both before and during the Python bootcamp.

Lastly, we can manually assess group projects submitted by your students.

What technical requirements are there for the Python bootcamp?

Learners don’t need any prior technical knowledge.

However, students will need a computer (with just a web browser) to access the LMS platform and the bootcamp content.

The operating system of the computer doesn’t matter.

Does the bootcamp cover advanced topics like data analysis or web development?

No, the Python bootcamp focuses on building a solid foundation in programming.

By emphasizing practice, students will achieve this goal in a matter of days.

But if you’re also interested in more advanced content in data or web development to complement this Python bootcamp, contact us.

Are there assessments or quizzes to check knowledge during the bootcamp?

Yes. Each series of exercises allows you to assess where students stand through automatic corrections. Additionally, exams are conducted to evaluate each student’s level at a given time.

Moreover, larger projects are scheduled during the Python bootcamp, and these can be manually graded by our teams for a more complete view of students’ skill levels.

All of this information helps estimate students’ final levels, which can, if relevant, be translated into a final grade.

Want to know more?

Contact us!