Help students own the learning process

Empower your students by giving them tools to learn how to learn.
Rbean is the only LMS that focuses on learners and their autonomy.

Learning: a process to be learnt

Learning is a complex process that involves integrating knowledge, building mental models and consolidating patterns of action.

Having practical experiences is not enough.

Providing students with hands-on activities is not enough to learn - let alone to learn how to learn.

To do this, they need methods and metacognition: to become aware of the learning process and to take ownership of it.

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To become lifelong learners, students must take control of the learning process.

It is a personal journey that only they can take.

But you can support them with the right tools.


A tool for long-term anchoring

Flashcards are sets of key points that students must readily remember. Students are regularly prompted to recall these points, which reactivates and consolidates memory access.

Thanks to spaced repetition, students consolidate long-term memory gains.

work journal in Rbean


To foster metacognition

The Work Journal allows learners to keep track of their learning process. They can centralize their notes, reflections, and develop solid work habits.

The Journal is like a blog that learners can share with others and that they can interact with.

Ideal for developing a learning community.


Learn with and from others

Discussions help build awareness of what has been learned. With community spaces on each project, Rbean encourages learners to help each other and build knowledge together.

They develop a professional mindset, adapted to the job market.

We don't like goodbyes...

Being done with training doesn't mean you are done with learning.

As a result, learners retain access to their Rbean account for life* after a course - at no additional cost to the school.

They can continue to write in their work journals, use their flashcards, and view their training history.

* Within the limits set by the GDPR. Accounts are anonymized at the request of students or automatically after 3 years of inactivity.

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