Engage students
in the learning process

Rbean is designed by learning XP designers and rethinks the role of the LMS. It assists educators by implementing learning science right in the platform.

Remove frictions, reinforce strong learning habits, and help students own their growth.


Learning activities, not content delivery

Focus on what students can do.
Learning journeys are structured around projects and real-world problems to solve. Everything else - resources, quizzes, flashcards, feedback - is meant to support learning activities.

Discover how Rbean facilitates projects ⟶
project overview in Rbean

A project is a complete ecosystem that supports learning.

work journal in Rbean

The Work Journal is one of the tools that support strong learning habits.


Help students engineer their success

Learning how to learn doesn't magically happen when students do projects. Students develop strong learning habits when they self-reflect, keep a work journal, analyse their progress, and set personal goals.

Tools that promote student agency ⟶


Create a true learning community

If you want a purposeful community, you have to design it.
With Rbean, students might do group projects, answer each other's questions, share the resources that helped them learn, share their notes, and give peer feedback.

Facilitate peer learning with Rbean ⟶
community support in Rbean

Each project has its own community support space.

work journal in Rbean

Achievements signal desired behaviour and act as mini-goals.


Craft self-revealing journeys

When we say gamification, we mean game mechanics that develop interest in learning itself. Think managing your correction credits, acquiring power-ups, winning task-related achievements, and generally making meaningful choices on your journey.

More info coming soon
Is it for you?

Our learning platform will shine if you:

  • Have a hands-on curriculum
  • Give feedback to students, during and after activities
  • Have a strong community culture and leverage peer learning
  • Aim to develop student agency

Want to see more?

Watch a demo
Who is behind this?
Educators on a mission.
rbean founders students mentors intek

Rbean founders with students & mentors at Intek - a school they co-founded in Ho-Chi-Minh-City, Vietnam.

Hi everyone—

We are Laurie and Mathieu, founders of Rbean.

LMS’s are dominated by entreprise software designed for admins - not students or teachers.

Truth is, learning is a messy process. It’s not the content you consume - it’s what you do with it. It’s the feedback you get, the relationships you build with teachers and peers, the skillset you craft for yourself.

A content-first approach sends the wrong message about what learning is. It's dangerous, because technology shapes behaviour. But we have a choice: we can either let it be toxic, or we can decide to use it to promote strong learning habits.

Why do we care? Because we are educators. For 10 years, we worked in several coding schools - each a different mix of project-based learning, peer learning, and mentoring. Over time, we matured our approach and developed a fixation for the student experience.

In 2019, we opened Rbean as a provider of technology courses. We built the platform to support our approach and deploy our courses - we eat our own dog food, so to speak. After using it for over a year, we have decided to open it to the public.

We hope you’ll join us in our quest to meaningful learning experiences!

Jan 19, 2021
Laurie & Mathieu

P.S. If you wonder, we are self-funded and will stay that way. We are building Rbean for the long-term, to do the work we love with other educators.

Want to know more? You can take a tour of the features.

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